Sitting on the same side of the table as the client


Who We Are

Sage Hill Capital is an SEC-registered investment advisor based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
We are an independent boutique investment manager.

Our investment recommendations are based solely on their investment merit and our client’s risk tolerance. We serve in a fiduciary capacity and as such charge asset-based advisory fees; our compensation is determined by the success of our client assets.

We provide comprehensive investment advice, and portfolio management services.

Our Mission

To serve those for whom we work in a consistent manner, delivering world-class customer service in a personal and transparent way and helping our clients reach their financial goals through an unbiased asset allocation process.

How We are Different

  • We are fiduciaries and are required to act in the best interest of our clients. Broker-dealers are not fiduciaries.
  • We do not sell any products; we do not receive any commissions, trailers, or other sales-related compensation. We are strictly a fee-only advisor.
  • We own the business. There is no outside pressure or home office telling us to do this or sell that. Our recommendations are based solely on their investment merit.
  • We take time to learn about our clients and their needs and then design a custom portfolio to suit them.
  • We do not use a one-size-fits-all model portfolio strategy.
  • We provide comprehensive investment advice, and portfolio management services.

Meet The Team

Dave Roberts

University of Michigan
Member of US National Hockey Team 1994 Winter Olympics
All-American Hockey player 1991
11-year professional hockey player

Prior to Sage Hill Capital Dave worked for Merrill Lynch and Telemus Capital Partners.

He is a leader in the community through his service to Mott Hospital.

Dave holds Life Insurance Series 7, 66, and Accredited Wealth Management Advisor designations.

Dave and his wife, Melina, reside in Novi with their two children.

Chris Fragner

BBA University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
Member of the University of Michigan Ice Hockey Team

Prior to Sage Hill Capital Chris worked as an Analyst at Telemus Capital Partners and JPMorgan Chase in the Investment Bank.

Chris holds Series 7 and 65 designations.

Chris and his wife, Agustina, live in Ann Arbor with their four kids.

Contact Us

(888) 988-5623